Lot Ended
5 bottles of Chateau Lynch Bages Pauillac: 3 x 1986 and 2 believed to be 1986 (1 in, 3 ts, 1 us, all heavy bsl); 3 bottles of Grand Vin de Leoville du Marquis de Las Cases 1990 Saint Julien (3 in, all slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Magdelaine 1983 Saint Emilion (in, bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Leoville Barton 1995 Saint Julien (in, slight bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Croix de Gay 1983 Pomerol (vts, bsl); 1 bottle of Chateau Faurie de Souchard Grand Cru 1998 Saint Emilion (in, slight bsl). 12 bottles in total